About the branch
East Rancho Dominguez Library, formerly known as the East Compton Library, was originally located at 15121 S. Atlantic Avenue.
The library was opened for service on March 17, 1952, for thirteen hours a week with a collection totaling 4,860 books. At that time it was the fastest growing library in the Los Angeles County Public Library's 43-year existence and for that reason the library was relocated to 4205 East Compton Blvd on October 17, 1955.
In June 1955, the circulation was 2,616. By October 1955, it was 3,396. The collection had increased to 5,366 with a growth capacity of 10,000. By 1963, more space was needed and on April 17, 1963, the size of the building was doubled.
A Friends of the Library group was established in March 2000, with the installation of the first officers on March 18, 2000.
On October 29, 2012, the library moved to a new 7,215 sq foot building at 4420 East Rose Street. The new library was certified as LEED Platinum under New Construction and is the first county owned facility to achieve this status. The new library includes a meeting room, group study room, and large children's area. Photovoltaic (solar) panels are an important feature of the design that provides a renewable energy source to operate a portion of the facility as well as contributes to the aesthetics of the building.
Los Angeles-based artist, Louise Griffin, designed and fabricated 6 separate two-dimensional glass panels for the library