Let’s get ready for school! Enjoy books, songs, rhymes, and movement while learning school readiness skills and having fun. For ages 2 - 5 with their parent or caregiver.
In response to an increase in fentanyl and other opioid related overdoses, we've partnered with the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health and California Department of Health Care Services to offer free doses of Naloxone (Narcan).
Join us for a morning storytime designed for babies and their caregivers. Build your baby's early learning skills through stories, songs, rhymes, and gentle movement. For ages 0-18 months with parent or caregiver.
¿Conoce a algún adulto hispanohablante que quiera aprender lectura o escritura básica en español? Estudiantes aprenderán los sonidos del alfabeto, leerán y escribirán palabras sencillas, y aprenderán escritura en español. Para adultos.
Join us for a bilingual celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month with Zany Zoe's magical comedy fiesta, as she shares Spanish songs and the history behind them.
In response to an increase in fentanyl and other opioid related overdoses, we've partnered with the County of Los Angeles Department of Public Health and California Department of Health Care Services to offer free doses of Naloxone (Narcan).
Get involved at the Library! Join the TAB and help shape the future of teen activities and the teen space here at the East LA Library. Participants can earn service hours for attending meetings. New participants are always welcome! For ages 12 - 18.
Join us for a morning storytime designed for babies and their caregivers. Build your baby's early learning skills through stories, songs, rhymes, and gentle movement. For ages 0-18 months with parent or caregiver.
¿Conoce a algún adulto hispanohablante que quiera aprender lectura o escritura básica en español? Estudiantes aprenderán los sonidos del alfabeto, leerán y escribirán palabras sencillas, y aprenderán escritura en español. Para adultos.
In celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, please join us to create Guatemalan barriletes which are traditional kites that are an integral part of the country's cultural and religious traditions.
Do you know a Spanish-speaking adult who wants to learn basic reading or writing in Spanish? Students will learn the sounds of the alphabet, read and write simple words, and learn writing skills in Spanish. For adults.
El Departamento de Salud Mental del Condado de Los Angeles presenta el primer programa de un Series de bienestar mental para adultos mayores: Salud, bienestar y plenitude.
Join us for an evening storytime filled with fall songs, stories, and movement. Come dressed in your coziest pajamas or come as you are.
Ages 2-5 years.
Do you know a Spanish-speaking adult who wants to learn basic reading or writing in Spanish? Students will learn the sounds of the alphabet, read and write simple words, and learn writing skills in Spanish. For adults.
Join East Los Angeles Library and PBS SoCal for a family math night to explore 3D shapes while making a colorful upcycled piñata. Attendance is limited and advance registration is required.
Ages 3-8
Join us for a morning storytime designed for babies and their caregivers. Build your baby's early learning skills through stories, songs, rhymes, and gentle movement. For ages 0-18 months with parent or caregiver.
Do you know a Spanish-speaking adult who wants to learn basic reading or writing in Spanish? Students will learn the sounds of the alphabet, read and write simple words, and learn writing skills in Spanish. For adults.
Join us for a morning storytime designed for babies and their caregivers. Build your baby's early learning skills through stories, songs, rhymes, and gentle movement. For ages 0-18 months with parent or caregiver.
Do you know a Spanish-speaking adult who wants to learn basic reading or writing in Spanish? Students will learn the sounds of the alphabet, read and write simple words, and learn writing skills in Spanish. For adults.
Enjoy an afternoon program to learn about a variety of fall holidays featuring the read aloud Funny Bones
and a performance by Noteworthy Puppets.
Ages 4-12
Join us for a morning storytime designed for babies and their caregivers. Build your baby's early learning skills through stories, songs, rhymes, and gentle movement. For ages 0-18 months with parent or caregiver.
Do you know a Spanish-speaking adult who wants to learn basic reading or writing in Spanish? Students will learn the sounds of the alphabet, read and write simple words, and learn writing skills in Spanish. For adults.
Join us for a morning storytime designed for babies and their caregivers. Build your baby's early learning skills through stories, songs, rhymes, and gentle movement. For ages 0-18 months with parent or caregiver.
Do you know a Spanish-speaking adult who wants to learn basic reading or writing in Spanish? Students will learn the sounds of the alphabet, read and write simple words, and learn writing skills in Spanish. For adults.
Join us for a morning storytime designed for babies and their caregivers. Build your baby's early learning skills through stories, songs, rhymes, and gentle movement. For ages 0-18 months with parent or caregiver.
Do you know a Spanish-speaking adult who wants to learn basic reading or writing in Spanish? Students will learn the sounds of the alphabet, read and write simple words, and learn writing skills in Spanish. For adults.