Highlight the intersections between words, empowerment, and identity by creating poetic affirmation portraits or crafting a poem into a self-portrait. For teens.
Join us as we share a stories about our most beloved friendships and learn about the importance of friendships for our well-being. Then, create your own kite to be flown together with friends. For ages 5 - 12.
Learn about cybersecurity awareness and how to protect yourself from scammers in the digital world. Afterward, create a Morse code bracelet using the materials provided. For teens ages 12 - 18.
LA County Department of Public Health is partnering with LA County Library to provide FREE flu vaccinations and the updated 2024-25 COVID-19 vaccine. Health insurance is not required but will be requested if insured.
Build confidence in your reading skills by reading aloud to a reading buddy in 20-minute sessions! We will have books available for you to select from. Space is limited and available on a first-come basis. For ages 5 - 10.
Before animation there was the zoetrope, a Victorian-era toy illusion toy that would eventually lead to the development of the motion picture camera. Join us for a journey through cinema history and make your own zoetrope device. For ages 13 - 17.
Build confidence in your reading skills by reading aloud to a reading buddy in 20-minute sessions! We will have books available for you to select from. Space is limited and available on a first-come basis. For ages 5 - 10.
Let’s get ready for school! Enjoy books, songs, rhymes, and movement while learning school readiness skills and having fun. For ages 2 - 5 with their parent or caregiver.
Build confidence in your reading skills by reading aloud to a reading buddy in 20-minute sessions! We will have books available for you to select from. Space is limited and available on a first-come basis. For ages 5 - 10.
Explore early learning skills, pre-writing, imagination, and problem solving with your child through free-form art activities. Please wear clothes that you don't mind getting a little bit dirty. For ages 1 - 3 and their caregivers.
Learn about recycling and the important role it plays in taking care of our planet. Then, create a small art project using upcycled materials to take home. For ages 5 - 12.
Join us to learn about Raising Resilient Children and explore strategies to take home and try with your family. This seminar will be led by an accredited Triple P Positive Parenting Program librarian. For parents and caregivers of 0 - 5 years old.
Let’s get ready for school! Enjoy books, songs, rhymes, and movement while learning school readiness skills and having fun. For ages 2 - 5 with their parent or caregiver.
Build confidence in your reading skills by reading aloud to a reading buddy in 20-minute sessions! We will have books available for you to select from. Space is limited and available on a first-come basis. For ages 5 - 10.
Are you interested in painting but don't know where to start? Join us for an afternoon of creative exploration and learn about a featured artist in honor of Women's History Month. For adults. Registration required.
LA County Department of Public Health is partnering with LA County Library to provide FREE flu vaccinations and the updated 2024-25 COVID-19 vaccine. Health insurance is not required but will be requested if insured.
Learn all about budgets. How they work, how to create one, and how to manage your financial future! Then paint your very own piggy bank to take home. For teens ages 12 - 18.
Let’s get ready for school! Enjoy books, songs, rhymes, and movement while learning school readiness skills and having fun. For ages 2 - 5 with their parent or caregiver.
Build confidence in your reading skills by reading aloud to a reading buddy in 20-minute sessions! We will have books available for you to select from. Space is limited and available on a first-come basis. For ages 5 - 10.
March is Women's History Month. Explore the contributions of women throughout history, learn about their histories, and honor their legacies by making your own collage art piece. For teens.
Let’s get ready for school! Enjoy books, songs, rhymes, and movement while learning school readiness skills and having fun. For ages 2 - 5 with their parent or caregiver.
Build confidence in your reading skills by reading aloud to a reading buddy in 20-minute sessions! We will have books available for you to select from. Space is limited and available on a first-come basis. For ages 5 - 10.
Join us to learn about César Chávez's legacy as a civil rights advocate and farm labor leader. Afterwards, we will create and paint kindness rocks. Materials will be provided. For ages 5 – 12 with parent or caregiver.
Let’s get ready for school! Enjoy books, songs, rhymes, and movement while learning school readiness skills and having fun. For ages 2 - 5 with their parent or caregiver.
Build confidence in your reading skills by reading aloud to a reading buddy in 20-minute sessions! We will have books available for you to select from. Space is limited and available on a first-come basis. For ages 5 - 10.
Let’s get ready for school! Enjoy books, songs, rhymes, and movement while learning school readiness skills and having fun. For ages 2 - 5 with their parent or caregiver.